23 January 2013

My Joker

Dear @JimCarrey,

I’m not trying to make you busy more and more just because you reading my wasting-your-time letter, but I want to tell you that you’re  always that funny. Don’t you know, its not too much if I tell you that I can smile or laugh even when I feel down and sad, after watching your “Ace Ventura I and II”, “Liar, Liar”, “Bruce Almighty”, “Yes Man”, “Me, Myself and Irene” (these are my favorite).

Yeah, I know your joke sometimes over react and boring, but in a few minute you can manage it to be”Gooooddd, its geeeedddd” (I write it and make a sound like your style saying that word) lol

I love it when I know you love and support your daughter in her carrier, and you keep acting good in any movies. I imagine you and your daughter play in the same movie as father and daughter. Or seeing you singing with her.

This stupid letter getting more and more boring, because I know that million people who fans you will say the same like I did. Because of that, I complete it with my foolish wishes but I believe that could be happen, that I wish I could shake your hand someday.

Thanks a lot, Jim.


Oleh @ikavuje kepada @JimCarrey
Diambil dari https://eqoxa.wordpress.com

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